Blue Raven Theatre and Talia Pura present
La Femme Shakespeare
Who actually wrote the Shakespearean Canon?
Could it really have been a young man from the countryside with only a grammar school education, no court experience or knowledge of foreign languages? Or might it have been a highly educated noblewoman from the court of Elizabeth I?
Come and meet Mary Sidney!
👉 Listen to Talia Pura’s January 3 radio discussion with Richard Eeds about La Femme Shakespeare
Written and performed by Talia Pura
Date and Time:
Tuesday, January 7 @ 7 to 8 pm
Free by donation
Teatro Paraguas (Main space) @ 3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe, NM
Learn more about this event: Theatre Santa Fe
For More Information, Contact: Talia Pura 505.428.8508