A one-woman drama, Metamorphosis is based on the lifecycle of the butterfly, with a distinct character representing each stage. It ends with the butterfly, who soars above the stage on aerial silks. Written and performed by Talia Pura, it is presented by Blue Raven Theatre.
Praise for Talia is Metamorphosis:
This one woman masterpiece culminates with an awe inspiring aerial dance...Metamorphosis is a poetic, powerful and sometimes raw, portrayal of the human spirit-- and one buff performer taking flight.
--Carolin Vesely *****Five Stars: Winnipeg Free Press
Metamorphosis is a wild ride, compellingly performed at every turn. I walked away quietly pondering the journey I had just been on...a sure sign of successful theatre.
--Erin Noel *****Five stars: CBC Radio
tickets available online at BrownPaperTickets.com
or at the door.
ticket prices: adults - 25.00, seniors - 20.00, students/underemployed - 15.00
Show dates/times:
Fri. Nov. 10 at 7:30 pm, Sat. Nov. 11 at 2:00 and 7:30 pm, Sun. Nov. 12 at 2:00 pm